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Saving Time for English Center by Auto-Scheduling

Author: Innotech Vietnam Coporation
Date: 03/04/2020

With the auto-scheduling system for students and teachers at English centers will help managers save more time and focus on providing the best service and experience to their customers.


What is auto-scheduling for the English center?


The interface of an auto-scheduling system The interface of an auto-scheduling system


With the help of an auto-scheduling system for teachers and students at the English center, you can build the perfect schedule with just one click. You only need to enter the required fields and change options (if available). Then, with AI technology in automation, the flows of teachers and students will be combined with the business goals, then the optimal schedule results for your business will be created.

In addition, the auto-scheduling system automatically sends notifications to teachers and students to remind them of the start time of the class. And from a distance, parents can easily track what time their children are learning and results from this auto-scheduling system.


Why auto-scheduling is needed


Today, every business is online. In a competitive world, it is essential to manage time appropriately. So, we need a system to manage everyday tasks. Auto-scheduling makes it easy and frees time from redundant tasks so your English center can provide a better student experience. Auto-scheduling is needed for several reasons:


Cost-saving and resource planning


Every opportunity to reduce the time spent on tasks is an opportunity to increase profits. By using an auto-scheduling system, you can reduce your time by 80% to create a work schedule for teachers and study schedule for students at the English center and which can reduce labor costs by 3%. Auto-scheduling also helps reduce overtime costs from a variety of causes, including poor scheduling or the use of less qualified staff. Or some employees constantly schedule the same employee based on their memory, familiarity, and habits.


Cost-saving is one of the benefits that auto-scheduling brings to English center Cost-saving is one of the benefits that auto-scheduling brings to English center


From there, you have more time to focus on more important tasks for growth and expansion in the future. In fact, this system is ideal for English centers with multiple facilities because it allows managing branches far away on the same control panel.


Forecast labor demand and predict the future


The manager must maintain the profitability of the service provided to students at the English center. Using previous data on the number of students, registration flow, … the system can help you make accurate predictions about the number of classes to meet the needs of future customers. From there, the auto-scheduling system will arrange schedule teaching for teachers and students.

Predicting the future like this makes it easier for teachers to maintain their personal lives, do other plans, and balance family life. They plan without worrying that it will conflict with their teaching time. In addition, the auto-scheduling system also supports you to rearrange the appropriate class time in case teachers are busy or changing their schedules. Since then, it still responds to sudden changes but does not affect the learning of students. Which makes them feel happier and want to accompany your center for a long time.


Having plans about the schedules helps teachers feel happier Having plans about the schedules helps teachers feel happier


Easy connection


Choosing the English center to study often will be made a decision by their parent. Parents always want to know what their child is learning at the English center and whether the quality of teaching at the center is really as good as the commitment. With the auto-scheduling system, in addition to the students, teachers, and administrators can access the information system. Parents can observe the teaching schedule, lessons learning and results of your children, even though not attending classes.


The auto-scheduling makes it easy for parents to connect to the English center The auto-scheduling makes it easy for parents to connect to the English center


This is possible because these systems provide all the important information on a single platform under cloud software. It allows parents to monitor the attendance of students in the classroom as well as the tasks that the student is required. From there, parents will be easier to monitor their children’s learning and remind them to follow the teacher’s request to achieve good performance.


Innotech Vietnam always strives to meet the needs of customers with the highest quality products and services. So we have received the trust from big companies such as ACB, Tyme Bank, Unifimoney, Manulife, Commonwealth Bank, … to use products created by Innotech Vietnam.

If you are looking for an Auto-scheduling system to provide solutions for your company. Contact experts at Innotech Vietnam for any questions about the Auto-scheduling system!


We’re here to help and answer any question you might have. We look forward to hearing from you.
