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Author: Innotech Vietnam
Date: 09/03/2022

Offshore Software Development in 2022 –  Remote work is growing more in demand as a result of the global pandemic. Digitization is becoming a need for firms that wish to succeed. As a result, many firms are seeking experienced offshore software development teams to help them migrate their operations online. 

As a matter of fact, the worldwide IT outsourcing market will be valued at $425.19 billion USD with an expected growth rate of 4.5% through 2026 (2021-2026). These figures indicated the fast-growing speed of this industry and require you to have careful consideration towards your choice of an offshore software development team. 

You won’t have to spend much time looking for this information — we have collected the most important facts in this article. Read further to learn not only the best countries for offshore software development in 2022 but also some information you must know before making a decision. 


Benefits of Offshore Software Development 


Knowing the top nations for offshore software development isn’t enough. Prior to deciding whether offshore is right for your company, you must first assess how it will benefit you. 


Reduce The Skills Gap 


All of us know that there is a serious lack of software developers and IT workers.  

As a result, if you want to get inexpensive, accessible talents over a certain project, you’ll almost certainly have to outsource it to a vendor situated far away. 

There are a number of nations in the world where you may get talented professionals at a lower cost than in the United States, such as Ukraine, India, Mexico, Brazil or Vietnam. There are several benefits for companies who outsource their software development needs, including a reduction in the time and money spent on recruiting new employees. 


Innovation and New Ideas For Software Development


Outsourcing to a foreign nation, especially one ranked among the top countries for outsourcing software development, allows companies to be more creative and global-minded. 

Companies that use offshoring may take advantage of the expertise and perspectives that developers in other countries have while working on their projects. 

Therefore, for organizations seeking a worldwide expansion, an offshore vendor is a wonderful approach to try things and observe how their product performs in the foreign market. 


Non-stop Development 


Offshoring is sometimes criticized for its efficiency because of the time zone variations between the nations involved. 

Indeed, if you outsource to a vendor located in one of the leading offshore software development nations, the time zone variations provide a great opportunity to speed up the development process and improve the supply chain efficiency. 

It is possible to achieve 24-hour development if the on-site and off-site teams maintain a close working connection.  In that way, growth is never on hold at any moment throughout the workday. 



In fact, this is the main reason why so many businesses are turning to other nations in the world for software development. 

By outsourcing your software development, you may save money by avoiding the labor expenses, taxes and restrictions imposed by your government, which will help you balance your budget. 

For example, Vietnam is a low-cost choice for offshore software development, owing to the low cost of living; as a result, developers in Vietnam do not charge as much as developers in the United States, Germany, France, and other countries. 


Average Rate of Software Development Services 


Keep in mind that the typical pricing for software development services might vary greatly from the real cost and here are the reasons:  

  • The average rate incorporates rates for several technologies; some are common and less expensive, while others are distinctive and will cost rather more; 
  • The average cost is the sum of junior and senior developer rates, with the first group accounting for the most of the market; 
  • Developers who are fluent in English, have excellent interpersonal skills, and take a proactive approach to their work are in high demand, and as a result, cost more than the average rate below. 


software development


Furthermore, the whole globe entered a new, pandemic-related, digital age with rapid technological development last year. Software development services have seen enormous growth in demand.  This has resulted in a new level of pay for offshore software development professionals. 


Top 10 Locations for Hiring Offshore Software Development Team in 2022 




software development


When you hear the phrase “outsourcing,” India is usually the first place that comes to mind.  

India is the second-largest English-speaking nation in the world, making it a perfect location for companies in the United States or the United Kingdom who are looking to outsource.  

Additionally, their educational system places a high value on mathematics, as seen by the fact that they graduate up to 2.6 million students in the STEM fields each year. 

Research from the company Gild found that Indian developers outperformed their American colleagues on math and logic examinations by a whole 11%.  

When it comes to PHP and HTML, they performed substantially worse than expected, therefore before hiring an outsourcer for web development, make sure they have an excellent track record of completing projects on time. 

The average yearly income for a software engineer in India is 779,700Rs ($11,139). 




software development


The Ukrainian government places a high priority on education, which has resulted in a flourishing IT industry. In addition, the majority of the world’s C++ programmers locate in Ukraine. 

Although English isn’t widely spoken by the general public, it’s widely used among the IT community. 

Although English is not widely spoken among the general public, it is used by 80% of the country’s IT community here. Therefore communication restrictions are not a significant problem. Other advantages of outsourcing to Ukraine include a time zone that largely aligns with US and UK time, as well as a work culture that values challenge and competitiveness. 

Developer salaries in Ukraine vary from $11,936 to $46,787. 




software development


Today, Vietnam is one of Asia’s fastest-rising outsourcing powerhouses. And therefore, the demand for innovative specialists in a wide range of industries, particularly in the software development industry, has risen. 

There are many competent IT engineers in Vietnam’s workforce, as well as competitive labor rates and a stable climate, making it an ideal location for outsourcing, particularly in the field of offshore software development. 

Over the previous decade, Vietnam’s BPO business has continuously grown by 20-35 percent. There are now more than 100,000 Vietnamese programmers and 75,000 content professionals.  


The field of information technology is growing more and more appealing to young people. Every year, there are more than 40,000 new IT graduates. 

When outsourcing in Vietnam, high-tech labor resources are available at a reasonable cost. Vietnam’s labor costs are also lower as compared to India, the top offshore nation to date.  

The country’s central position is another plus for Vietnam. A wide variety of time zones on several continents may be accommodated by the timeline. Even Canada and the United States have chosen Vietnam as a place to outsource. Everything is done during the night when they’re asleep. Traveling from Vietnam to major metropolitan areas is also very simple. 

One of the leading offshore software development companies in Vietnam you can trust is Innotech. Innotech is a well-established software company in Vietnam to serve various clients in Vietnam, Japan, America, Australia, and Singapore.  

We provide a wide range of software services to meet all service requirements for customers that you can check it out right here 





software development


With 4.7 million IT students graduating each year, China is home to several world’s fastest-growing IT enterprises. This nation is a paradise for any business to build an offshore software development team. 

A few downsides exist, though. Only 10 million of China’s 1.3 billion people can speak English, making it difficult for many multinational employers to do business in the country. 

Second, China has a reputation for poor enforcement of intellectual property (IP) rules. You will have to seek for an experienced outsourcing firm with clear guidelines to avoid this problem.  

In China, the average annual salary for a software engineer is between 189,000CNY ($27,695.96) and 357000CNY ($52,314.59) 




software development


Poland has the world’s third-highest concentration of computer programmers. When it comes to popular programming languages like Python, Shell, and Ruby, its programmers scored among the highest in the industry 

Additionally, the fact that 30% of the Polish population speaks English as a second language would be welcomed news. If North American businesses want to have live meetings, they will need to take some time zone adjustments, but there is enough alignment to allow for functional cooperation. 

The average yearly compensation for a Polish software engineer is 85,069PLN ($22,273.88 USD) 






More than 92% of Filipinos are fluent in English, giving the country home to one of the world’s biggest populations of English speakers. Also, they have a STEM high education system and have made significant changes in education over the last several years. 

In addition to the low worldwide value of the Philippine peso, these characteristics have made the Philippines one of the most popular locations for outsourcing.  

However, improvements haven’t bridged the gap between Filipino software engineers and those from other countries on this list. This means that, if you’re looking for a small software development project to outsource to, you may want to look towards China or Ukraine instead. 

The average salary for a Filipino software engineer is $10,563.40. 






There are around 6.18 million people in Brazil who are proficient in English, and the country’s government is working hard to improve technical education facilities. Combined with a workforce that is 38.18 percent under the age of 24, Brazil is a promising location for offshore software development. 

Brazil’s IT scene, on the other hand, is still in its development. Only 71.3 percent of Brazilian programmers passed HackerRank tests. Brazilians are excellent at finding young developers, but you’ll need to search elsewhere on this article for more sophisticated projects. 

There is a wide range of pay for programmers in Brazil since the cost of living varies greatly across cities. A Brazilian developer’s salary ranges from R24,000 ($6,009.26) to R132,000 ($33,054.78), depending on their region and amount of expertise. 






Taiwan has the world’s seventh-best developer talent pool, led by experts in functional programming and data structures. Through increased funding for STEM education and IT infrastructural facilities, Taiwan hopes to become Asia’s Silicon Valley. 

There is no guarantee that Taiwan is the ideal destination for you to outsource, though. English is not really widespread across this nation. Although precise data are hard to come by, it shows that communication difficulties might arise if you outsource to Taiwan.  

To address this issue, Taiwan is actively exploring making English an official national language. 

The average yearly salary for a Taiwanese software engineer is TWD729,147 ($23,427). 






As a result of the country’s egalitarian educational system, Romania has developed one of Europe’s most dynamic tech scenes.  

Since the typical developer makes at least three times more than the average Romanian, the industry is able to attract fresh and competent individuals on a consistent basis. 

Additionally, companies in the Western European and North American regions may take advantage of a number of additional advantages in Romania. The time zone has a lot of similrities with time zones in western Europe and the United States. Many foreign languages are spoken in Romania, including English and Russian. 

Developer salaries in Romania vary from $12,000 to $35,000 per year. 






Canada has an educational system that places a heavy emphasis on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).  

Outsourcing to Canada provides a number of additional advantages, particularly for organizations situated in the United States.  

It’s easier to communicate with US customers because of the time difference and cultural differences. This makes it easier for organizations to work together on more complicated projects.

Typical software engineer in Canada earns $64,266CAD ($47,659.67USD), making it the most costly country in the world to outsource to. It is worth noting, however, that this additional expense is countered by the steady quality of labor and attractive exchange rate. 

We’re here to help and answer any question you might have. We look forward to hearing from you.
