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Insourcing vs Outsourcing: Which To Choose for Your Software Development in 2022?

Author: Innotech Vietnam
Date: 04/04/2022

When launching a software development project, deciding whether to insource or outsource is a critical decision. This choice will decide the total amount of cost, time, and quality of the whole project. Our goal is to provide you with a thorough understanding of the pros and cons of both insourcing and outsourcing. Find out the differences between the two approaches and choose the one that is most appropriate for your project.




The term “insourcing” refers to the practice of assigning a project to your own IT staff. Insourcing may need reassigning people from another project, resulting in the rearrangement of teams. When you don’t have enough staff to complete the job, you’ll need to hire new people for software development.


Why you should insource: 


  • Be able to make decisions and grow rapidly with more control.
  • To have the right mix of in-house and external services in order to meet current company objectives, such as providing a platform for developing young talent.
  • Integration plans for mergers and acquisitions can bring up a new sourcing strategy.


software development insourcing

Benefits of insourcing 


  • Increased agility and adaptability: You are in charge of setting their salary and delivery schedule. You’ll be aware of your software development team’s availability and abilities.
  • Control over key functions and skillsets: As the company grows, the expertise of the internal team might change a lot. Having top-notch developers on your team may make all the difference.
  • Co-operation and exchange of knowledge: Having a coworker nearby makes it easier to communicate and learn from one another’s experiences. You will have the potential to make your decision quickly and proactively.


Drawbacks of insourcing


  • Hiring new people takes a long time. The cost and effort involved in finding and training new employees are considerable. Recruiters must have a solid knowledge of software development in order to find the top developers. And if your demands increase, it might have a big impact on your productivity.
  • There is less flexibility for cost variation. For short-term needs, insourced workers tend to be employed on less flexible contracts, and you won’t be able to reduce your insourced resourcing expense.




Outsourcing is the practice of outsourcing a specific project or a commercial job to a third-party service provider who specializes in that field. There are a variety of software development outsourcing methods to choose from depending on the issue at hand.


Why you should outsource:


  • Access to specialized information and abilities: Special expertise and well-trained personnel are often available only through outsourcing partners.
  • Scalability and flexibility in team capability: You don’t have to spend money on employing in-house staff to meet key deadlines when you outsource your project staffing needs. After completing a project, you can quickly switch back to a team of in-house employees.
  • Keep your eyes on the prize: It is possible that your company’s primary focus is not on software development or the skills and expertise of your in-house team are not necessary for your projects. If this is the case, it is advisable to concentrate on your strengths and to bring in additional people when needed.


software development outsourcing


Benefits of outsourcing


  • Shorten time to fill open positions: The recruiting process requires a significant amount of time and resources to plan and organize. You must write a job description (JD) and post it on many employment boards. Not only that, but the process of selecting and interviewing potential employees will take time as well. When you outsource your employment, the outsourcing provider takes care of everything. In a few days, you and your team will be ready to go.
  • Highly skilled professionals in the field at your fingertips: When you outsource, you have access to a worldwide talent pool of remote software development engineers. Therefore,  you will be able to cooperate with specialists from all over the world.
  • Increase scalability and flexibility: With the help of outsourcing partners, you may quickly grow in size your workforce.
  • High-quality on low-budget: IT service companies in low-cost nations offer services that save money.


Drawbacks of outsourcing


  • Control and insight issues: It’s hard to keep an eye on how tasks are being done when you hire someone else outside your company. 
  • Problems in communication: Delegating tasks via email or phone calls might result in critical instructions being misunderstood. There may be a need for additional documents to bridge any communication gaps that arise in software development process.
  • Influences on the corporate culture: When bringing in a large number of external team members, or perhaps entire teams at once, their working style may create significant changes to your company culture. 
  • Risks to security: If you’re going to outsource operations that include sensitive company data, you’ll want to be sure your outsourcing partner can meet the highest levels of security.


Insourcing vs Outsourcing: How To Choose The Right One For Your Software Development Projects in 2022


To what extent is this function “core”?


Every business has core and non-core tasks.


An insurance business, for example, requires actuaries and risk assessors. They also need customer support teams and sales staff to help people buy insurance. All of these are required for the business to function properly. Outsourcing any of these activities is handing a critical part of a firm’s earnings to a third party, which carries a high level of risk.


However, insurance companies also require non-essential teams such as receptionists, janitors, and others. They may be able to outsource some of these tasks. When it comes to software development, many major corporations, as well as small and medium-sized businesses, see it as a function that falls somewhere between “core” and “non-core,” and as a result, it’s either outsourced or managed in-house. However, there is an undeniable fact is businesses of all sizes depend on software and technology to operate effectively.


As a result of this, many businesses decide to outsource some of their jobs. For many businesses, software plays an important operational and strategic role in their growth and service delivery objectives. It’s impossible for even the largest financial, health, and insurance institutions to function without the expertise of CTOs and CDOs. Behind people in high management positions are entire teams executing essential objectives. The outsourced teams that operate alongside these in-house groups usually make substantial contributions as well.


Smaller organizations may not be able to afford a mixed approach like this. Therefore, outsourcing becomes the most cost-effective option during software development process.




  • When the position is critical to the company’s success, insourcing is preferable since it reduces risk, improves compliance, and enhances the company’s culture.
  • Outsourcing is a good option when a function is non-core and you want cheaper prices, more innovation, or high competition for talents


How much is it going to cost?


The following costs must be taken into account when you have an insourcing team:


  • Employees’ salary
  • Income tax and other types of government payments
  • Offices, input and output devices (I/O devices)
  • The costs of hiring and training. Bonuses and expenditures may also be available. 


When you outsource, you agree on a predetermined hourly or daily rate for the duration of the contract, and that’s it. The company or individual with whom you’ve associated is responsible for their own expenditures (such as office overhead and pension payments, etc.) in proportion to the amount agreed by both parties.


Demand for software development professionals continues to rise, particularly for those with specialized knowledge in rising fields (such as data scientists, engineers, and blockchain developers). It might be challenging to find the right people. 


When you outsource, on the other hand, you don’t have to worry about recruiting or the accompanying expenditures because they are handled by a third party. As soon as the project is completed, you will no longer be responsible for anything.




  • When a core group of developers is required on a long-term basis, insourcing is the best option. It is more efficient for a corporation to hire and train a team of software development professionals in-house than to outsource this work.
  • When a project has a clear end date and objective, it is best to outsource the work. Recruiting an internal team would be excessively costly, time-consuming, and would require either giving them a new work or letting them go after the project was completed.


it outsourcing


When do we need this software development to be delivered?


It takes time to follow the normal method to hire a new employee in-house. You must advertise a position (or a complete team) and either engage with a recruiting agency (which imposes additional costs) or handle the process internally, which consumes in-house resources (more time, more money). The next step is to make offers, hire additional employees, and get the project rolling.


It might take anywhere from a few weeks to many months for an insourcing recruitment process to complete. If you’ve discovered an outstanding candidate in another company, they won’t want to wait that long. As soon as the best people are available, rival that has a larger budget or faster procedure can scoop them up.


By using software development outsourcing, you may access the world’s most talented programmers. Your organization is now able to tap into a pool of talent that was previously unavailable to you. In addition, outsourcing implies that you don’t have to wait months for the project to begin and for the team to be assembled. You may be able to put together a team of experts within two weeks.




  • When building a team for a long-term project, it’s always best to go with an in-house solution. Make sure you have the resources, both in terms of time and money, to build this team.
  • For projects that require a large staff to get started fast, outsourcing is preferable. Outsourcing allows you to save time and money. You may avoid overburdening your in-house developers with tasks that doesn’t match their skill level by outsourcing software development. 


What talents do we need to acquire for the software development?


Your current technological stack, how the new application or platform will interface with it, and the capabilities you already have on staff all play a role in creating the ideal team. You should consider outsourcing software development if you want access to specialized technologies. There are more than 2,000 programming languages in use today, and it’s impossible to have in-house developers that are fluent in all of them.


With an internal team, you must be certain that you will require their abilities for a predetermined amount of time (e.g. 6 to 12 months, at a minimum). Is the scope of the project large enough to keep them occupied full-time for an extended length of time? If not, what combination of skills would they need to assist others on the project?  You must have a clear grasp of the scope of the project before hiring a technological team to handle it. An internal tech leader should join in the development of this scope too.


The decision to outsource or insource depends on a variety of criteria, including the cost of the project and how quickly it needs to be completed.




  • Insourcing is preferable when you are looking for a set of talents that already correspond with other key competencies and these abilities are going to be needed in the long run.
  • Outsourcing is preferable when the needed skills are non-core and when such skills are not important to the company’s long-term success (e.g. once the project is complete). In the long run, outsourcing software development can actually improve the performance of other business operations. With outsourcing, your in-house developers aren’t overworked with tasks that don’t fit their abilities, allowing them to focus more on strategic goals.


What are the potential risks?


Even while a firm may gain numerous benefits from outsourcing its software development, there are also some concerns to be aware of. It’s extremely important for firms to manage risk while outsourcing.




outsourcing risk

Software and data are the most vulnerable when it comes to theft and regulatory compliance issues.


When outsourcing software development, quality control is another issue to be concerned about. Does the third-party have access to sensitive data? Is the IT security of your company in good hands?


You can keep control of the process when you insource from quality, data transmission to compliance. In some cases, employees who aren’t content with their jobs can steal data. Internal systems can go down, resulting in data loss. In these situations, the quality of work that is done in-house is often the same level, if not worse, than the work that is done by an outside service provider.


It doesn’t matter why you’re looking for a team of outside developers. You still need to locate someone you can trust. When collaborating with a third party, it is important to check and assess their credentials. In the case of developers, be sure they have good references and have worked with similar software development projects. It’s even better to hire someone with the necessary abilities, experience, and reputation. For instance, a company like Innotech will ensure that you receive the highest quality results.




  • When you need to control risks and retain a specific piece of work in-house, insourcing is a preferable option.
  • An external service provider should only be hired if you’ve thoroughly evaluated them and are convinced that they won’t compromise your data security or compliance. Outsourcing is a smart and cost-effective strategy if the job presents no risk to data integrity and customer experience.


Which outsourcing software development company to choose?


Outsourcing software development has several advantages. Besides its time and cost-efficiency, outsourcing also allows you to tap into a larger pool of talents without taking on the risk of competing with other businesses. The question is, which outsourcing software developments company is the right choice for your need?


If you have already decided that Outsourcing is the best method for you, you can learn more about Outsourcing Software Development, or if you are looking for a company that can fully handle your project contact Innotech Viet Nam. 




Innotech Viet Nam is one of the leading firms in outsourcing software development in Vietnam. After 14 years of providing successful software solutions to over 200+ global clients and countless positive feedback on our outstanding communication and agility, we are confident in our capacity to provide the highest quality, the most trustworthy service, and the fastest time-to-market products to our clients.


Contact our team of experts if you have any queries or concerns about outsourcing and we’ll be more than pleased to assist you.


Mail: info@innotech-vn.com


We’re here to help and answer any question you might have. We look forward to hearing from you.
