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Extended Team Model: A New Way To IT Outsourcing in Digital Age

Author: Innotech Vietnam
Date: 29/05/2022

Many organizations in the IT services industry are having difficulty finding qualified employees. Demand for IT outsourcing continues to rise as the cost of IT in developed regions is getting higher over the last few decades. In 2022, IT outsourcing revenue is expected to reach a total of US$395.00 billion. 

However, corporations may not be ready to give up part of their staff or resources in order to adopt IT outsourcing. It’s hardly surprising that many companies are looking for alternatives to traditional IT outsourcing these days.  

And one of the most common alternatives used by businesses is extended team. Extended teams allow a corporation to bring in additional skill sets to the project by adding an individual or a group of professionals. It’s simple to scale and manage an extended team (also known as augmented employees). For businesses, it provides cost-effective IT help while yet allowing them to keep control over their own in-house IT team. 

So, let’s learn more about this model to see how it can help with your business. 




What Is An Extended Team Model (ETM)? 


Extended Teams (sometimes referred to as staff augmentation) are a unique kind of software development model. In-house developers make up the majority of the development staff; however, they are supported by a number of IT outsourcing members. Both teams work together to fill in any gaps in their skill sets or expertise. 

If a company wants to create a certain feature, introduce a new product, or handle a growing heavy workload, it may need more support. When it’s not always reasonable to simply hire another person or team to fill the gap, using the extended team model is a great alternative. This is a contemporary method that provides speedy answers for overworked in-house teams. 

You also have the option of choosing the extended team nearshore or offshore. 


Why Choose The Extended Team Model Over A Whole IT Outsourcing Team?  


  • You don’t need to create a new team, just fill up the gaps in an existing one. 
  • Extended team collaborates with your employers on a regular basis, sharing accountability and believing in the company’s long-term strategy. Its major objective is to give all of the assistance necessary for the company to flourish. 
  • There are no intermediates needed since the work of the in-house team is synced with that of the extended team. 
  • Transparency and flexibility are key features of the extended team model. The team can get started on a new or ongoing project at any moment, regardless of when it has started and when it has to be finished. 

As opposed to individual freelancers, members of an extended team with the necessary expertise might be recruited for specific tasks. This is why an augmented team must come from a reputable IT outsourcing company to ensure your project’s quality. 

The core of a firm should not be handed to an IT outsourcing partner. Despite the fact that outsourcing may appear to be easier and more cost-effective, you may somehow face risks of data loss. 




Key Features Of The IT Outsourcing Extended Team Model 


Extended Team Model and traditional IT outsourcing have a lot in common, but there are some key differences as well, such as the following: 


1. Not A Replacement But A Supplement 

The IT outsourcing extended team is supposed to support, not replace, the in-house staff. Its primary objective is to fill in any knowledge or skill gaps that may exist. Sharing in the company’s ideas and needs, while utilizing the company’s current resources, is what it does. 


2. Involvement Of All 

In both the internal and external teams, each member has an equal share of the work and responsibility. However, there is still a core in-house staff for project management. 


3. Fully-focused 

Because they’re not working on many projects at once, extended development teams are able to devote their whole attention to yours. IT Outsourcing extended teams are usually not disbanded after the project is over. A long-term partnership is what they are aiming for. 


4. You Hold The Control  

The project management team is in charge of coordinating and participating in the decision-making process at all levels of the project. As a result of using an external team, complex internal processes can be kept in sync. 


5. IT Outsourcing Talent From Around The World. 

With the Extended Team Model, you may save money and have more options. You can choose from a wide range of hourly rates and access to an international talent pool. 


6. Win-win Relationship 

Working with a larger team can be beneficial to in-house teams. It enables people to benefit from one another’s experiences, exchange advice, and work together to find solutions.  There is also no need for cutbacks or downtime because you only have to hire necessary team members. 


7. Time-efficient And Flexibility 

When using this IT outsourcing approach, you don’t have to worry about having to constantly hire new employees. Using an ETM instead of a traditional recruitment and training procedure saves time and effort. You don’t have to worry about locating a workspace for new team members as you quickly form your team. 


When to use IT outsourcing extended team model? 


You should use team augmentation when: 

  • You aim to extend your project in the future, and the original team will continue to support and deliver updates.  
  • The project is uncommon for your organization, and you don’t want to move the focus of your in-house teams.  
  • You require skills that are not available in your local 
  • The developers’ rate at your place is not affordable 

It is best to use this model when you already have a development team in place and are looking to add more talent for long-term projects. If you don’t already have an in-house development team, you may adopt a full IT outsourcing team to take full control of the development process. 




How To Optimize Your Extended Team? 


Your startup’s core team and IT outsourcing staff will both have to learn how to work together effectively. As a result, we’d like to help you out by providing you with some helpful tips. 


1. Preparation Is Key 

Consider the scope of your project and identify the primary responsibilities it requires. Do you have in-house expertise to meet these needs? Which expertise should you look for from IT outsourcing company? 

It is typical for us to begin by discussing your ideas and developing them into specific needs, project objectives, and KPIs (KPIs). An expansion of your development team might be a huge risk since it can lead to misunderstanding. Clear goals and ways of assessing performance assist the organization to avoid unnecessary mistakes and increasing the employee’s motivation. 


2. Candidate Evaluation 

You need to carry out thorough candidate research and choose and pre-screen the best appropriate people fit your project specifications. To ensure that a candidate is a good fit for your team, you also need to ensure about their technical and communication skills. 


3. On-boarding and integration of new employees 

It’s here that you begin the process of integrating an IT outsourcing team into your regular activities.  


a. Reporting And Accountability 

When you hire Innotech’s extended development team, they become an important part of your in-house team. It is up to you or the project manager on-site to provide them with instructions and ensure that they adhere to your internal procedures. 

Please keep in mind that you have the option of appointing our own person to assist you further. IT outsourcing project manager, for example, is there whenever you need support with an issue or building up effective teamwork. 


b. Transparency 

With the extended team model, you are in complete command of your project at all times. Real-time monitoring and optimization of the time-effort ratio are both possible. 


c. Clear And Concise Communication 

Having open lines of communication with your team’s PM and IT outsourcing developers is essential for fostering a culture of openness. Keep your lines of communication open at all times. 


d. Dedicated And Committed Colleagues 

Your developers will be more committed to the project if you to better correctly distribute roles within your team.  


e. Complete Synchronization 

Your IT outsourcing staff should be well-versed in your methodologies, procedures, management style, and business culture. Your core team and your extended team need to use the best communication and collaboration technologies to ensure the project’s quality. 


f. An Easy Start 

There are advantages to having on-site training and planning sessions with your broader workforce. You and your team members will get to know each other better if you have a series of company meetings. 


4. Scaling And Support On-Demand 

It is possible to add additional developers to your team on-demand, as well as get rid of the ones you don’t. IT outsourcing specialists might be hired to undertake particular tasks or build certain features. You can easily end the contract with him/her and work with the rest of the developers.


See more ways to build your own IT Outsourcing Team here: A COMPLETE GUIDE ON HOW TO HIRE AN IT OUTSOURCING TEAM IN 2022 

Wrap Up 


In the Extended Team Model, trust, common values and openness are the foundation of a successful partnership. It’s working together toward a shared objective while forming emotional attachment and keeping open to new possibilities. 

It’s an excellent option when your IT staff lacks experience or expertise and you don’t want to go through the recruitment process or couldn’t locate the right experts. 

Innotech is happy to help you with any IT outsourcing model you like. With 14+ years of experience, 200+ projects done, and a team full of talented individuals, Innotech Vietnam can be a reliable partner if you are looking for an IT Outsourcing company.  Contact us now!!! 


We’re here to help and answer any question you might have. We look forward to hearing from you.
